Can I park on site?

Yes, there is a special part of the site for cars. Please do not park next to your tent. If you arrive in a car, turn right and park your car, then come to check in at the gate at our Welcome Tent.

We will give you the Schedule and advise you where to pitch up.

There are wheelbarrows to help you carry your goodies from your car.

If you need help we can usually find someone to help you with unloading and carrying your possessions to your chosen pitch.

Can I bring my campervan/caravan/bus?

Yes. Campervans and caravans and live-in buses are welcome but there is a small charge of £5 per live in vehicle. Pleas emake sure you but a live in vehicle ticket if you intend to bring one. When you arrive,  the gate tent yogis will guide you to a suitable space for your vehicle – this is likely to be close to the edges of the field near the entrance.

Where can I camp?

The camping areas for campervans, buses and caravans are up at the gate end of the field where you come in, along the hedge that bounds the car park. If this is full please ask on the gate where you can park up. Our crew camp along the hedge by the road at the side of the field. There is camping for tents in the centre of the field and along the hedge on the far side of the field,

Please do not camp in the Fire Lane, the open grass lane that encircles the central camping space in this end of the field, we need to keep this clear at all times.

Other than that you can camp anywhere you like within this end of the field – the bottom end of the camping space is marked if you imagine a boundary about twelve feet back from an imaginary line across the field that joins the two big ash tress on either side of the field. In practice this means no camping beyond the kitchen and temple. Please do not camp in this main circle of large structures for the yoga and bhakti events. This area is our communal and teaching area, with therapists and our spa and showers. The only structures other than the big group workshop spaces and the Bhakti Temple which are permitted in the far end of the field are therapists tents for healing work, and a very few designated yurts, crew bell tents and other special spaces.