How do I book?

Please complete the Booking Form online and remember to include your email address as your initial booking reference.

Submit the form, and you will receive an email giving you payment options and a Booking Reference number.

You will not receive a paper ticket,

Please keep a note of the Booking Reference number, because that is your ‘ticket’ – you will need this to check in at our gate when you arrive.

Can I turn up without having booked?


Day tickets will be available for cash on the gate, £50 per adult / £15 for a 12-18yrs, including lunch and dinner, plus for each overnight stay £15 including breakfast.

What about if I can’t come for the whole camp?

Being part of Santosa living Yoga and Bhakti Camp is as much a spiritual process as an event . It’s not your usual festie. We really feel that you get the most out of this experience if you stay for the whole duration of the camp. If you are keen to come and yet big important stuff is going on in your life that prevents you from being with us for the full time, then we offer special tickets for either the first part of the week or second part of the week.

Of course you are welcome to speak to us if even this doesn’t work for you – we would prefer that you could come, even if just for a day!