Maeji Maya Maeioum
Hola! my name in Maeioum, from Mexico. I look forward to share with brothers and sisters the Sacred Space of The Heart, all around the world. One of my strongest Life motors is the realization of our True Nature, for all sentient beings, that’s why it was a blessing to become a Hridaya Yoga instructor, based on the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi: Self Enquire, and then to surrender to Sri Mooji´s direct path for Freedom. In this I found a powerful set of techniques to step into The Heart, this path has changed me deeply as I learned to live with an Open Heart, expand to my actual Spaciousness and light up my Consciousness in order to reveal my True Nature. That’s why I feel the calling to share these teachings with you all. In my vision the only possible way of living this life is in harmony within ourselves, with Mother Nature and with each other, in mutual Respect and Love, and I see the way to achieve by humbly fulfilling our purpose and allowing and helping others in doing so, realizing the Union with the One Source, guided by the Grace of God. I consider myself an Adi-Shakti Mother devotee and have received instruction from a high mountain Brazilian Woman Priestess, a Buddhist Roshi in Japan, a Mother-touched Saint in India, our native Mexican Shamanic healers and “the ancient unity-celebrating rituals”, that had seen me dance to the moon with our wise Grandmothers. I’ve been following meditative and healing practices, which are part of my way-of-sharing with the world. I’m a therapist in water and Holistic Massage, and promote woman wisdom in lunar circles and circular dances, and had keep learning ways of support our elders, our pregnant mothers and our children. I was blessed to have parents that were into metaphysics so the spiritual dimension of life was part of my vision since I was a child, and it became apparent for me that Nature has many clues on how to connect with ourselves, in a way that powerful feelings arise within, stirring up a longing for Oneness and an understanding of life.